Nd YAG Laser

What is Nd:Yag laser treatment?

This is a laser treatment that is used for removing dark marks in the skin such as birth marks or tattoos. It takes place in the dermatological surgery and laser unit (DSLU), which is located on the third floor of Block C in the South Wing of St Thomas’ hospital.

Varying wavelengths can be used for treatment, and your doctor will choose the most appropriate one for you based on your skin condition. Long wavelength is used for deep pigment problems, for example tattoos, and short wave length is used for superficial pigment problems, for example dark birth marks

What happens during treatment?

  • Anaesthetic cream will be applied to your skin by nursing staff one hour before your treatment. It is therefore important that you arrive one hour before your treatment time.
  • Please let the doctor know if you have any allergies to any medicines.
  • You will be asked to lie on a treatment couch and expose the area to be treated. Gowns may be provided if necessary.
  • Hair may be shaved off any hairy areas that are to be treated.
  • Eye protection is provided – either goggles to wear or an eye guard which is inserted under the eyelid.
  • The laser is applied to the affected area. Quick flashes of bright light may be seen during treatment.
  • A cold air machine may be used to increase your comfort.
  • A dressing and Vaseline will be applied after treatment.
  • Each treatment session usually lasts 30 minutes.


What are the benefits of having Nd:Yag laser treatment?
The Nd:Yag laser is able to produce significant lightening of dark birth marks or tattoos over a number of treatments with little risk of changing the skin’s texture or scarring of the skin.